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Deployment FAQs

Operating system requirements

What are the required operating system versions for deploying MatrixOne?

MatrixOne supports the following operating system:

Linux OS Version
Debian 11.0 or later
Ubuntu LTS 20.04 or later
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.0 or later releases
Oracle Enterprise Linux 9.0 or later releases

MatrixOne also supports macOS operating system, but it's only recommended to run as a test and development environment.

macOS Version
macOS Monterey 12.3 or later

Hardware requirements

What are the required hardware for deploying MatrixOne?

For standalone installation, MatrixOne can be running on the 64-bit generic hardware server platform in the Intel x86-64 and ARM architecture. The requirements and recommendations about server hardware configuration for development, testing and production environments are as follows:

  • Development and testing environments
CPU Memory Local Storage
4 core+ 16 GB+ SSD/HDD 200 GB+

The Macbook M1/M2 with ARM architecture is also a good fit for a development environment.

  • Production environment
CPU Memory Local Storage
16 core+ 64 GB+ SSD/HDD 500 GB+

For comprehensive details on deploying MatrixOne in a distributed setting, see Cluster Topology Planning Overview. This guide includes specific server hardware configuration requirements and recommendations tailored for development, testing, and production environments.

Installation and deployment

What settings do I need to change for installation?

Normally you don't need to change anything for installation. A default setting of launch.toml is enough to run MatrixOne directly. But if you want to customize your listening port, ip address, stored data files path, you may modify the corresponding records of cn.toml, tn.toml or log.toml, for more details about parameter configuration in these files, see Boot Parameters for standalone installation.

After the MySQL client is installed, I open the terminal and run mysql, I got an error of command not found: mysql.

To solve the error, you need to set the environment variable. Open a new terminal window, run the following command:

echo 'export PATH="/path/to/mysql/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile

Replace /path/to/mysql/bin in the above code with the MySQL installation path in your system. Usually, it is /usr/local/mysql/bin; if you are not sure about the installation path of MySQL, you can use the following command to find it:

whereis mysql

After macOS 10, zsh is used as the default shell. Here, zsh is used as an example. If you use other shells, you can convert it yourself.

echo export PATH=/path/to/mysql/bin:$PATH >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc

Replace /path/to/mysql/bin in the above code with the MySQL installation path in your system. Usually, it is /usr/local/mysql/bin; if you are not sure about the installation path of MySQL, you can use the following command to find it:

whereis mysql

When I install MatrixOne by building from source, I got an error of the following and the build failed, how can I proceed?

Error: Get "": dial tcp i/o timeout

As MatrixOne needs many go libraries as dependency, it downloads them at the time of building it. This is an error of downloading timeout, it's mostly a networking issue. If you are using a Chinese mainland network, you need to set your go environment to a Chinese image site to accelerate the go library downloading. If you check your go environment by go env, you may see GOPROXY=",direct", you need to set it by

go env -w GOPROXY=,direct

Then the make build should be fast enough to finish.

When I want to save the MatrixOne data directory to my specified file directory, how should I do it?

  • When you use Docker to start MatrixOne, you can mount the data directory you specify to the Docker container, see Mount directory to Docker container.

  • When you use the source code or binary package to compile and start MatrixOne, you can modify the default data directory path in the configuration file: open the MatrixOne source file directory matrixone/etc /launch-with-proxy, modify the configuration parameter data-dir = "./mo-data" in the three files of cn.toml, tn.toml and log.toml is data-dir = "your_local_path", save and restart MatrixOne It will take effect.

When I was testing MatrixOne with MO-tester, I got an error of too many open files?

MO-tester will open and close many SQL files in a high speed to test MatrixOne, this kind of usage will easily reach the maximum open file limit of Linux and macOS, which is the reason for the too many open files error.

  • For MacOS, you can just set the open file limit by a simple command:
ulimit -n 65536
  • For Linux, please refer to this detailed guide to set the ulimit to 100000.

After setting this value, there will be no more too many open files error.

Ssb-dbgen cannot be compiled on a PC with M1 chip

To complete the following configuration, then compiling 'SSB-DBgen' for a PC with M1 chip:

  1. Download and install GCC11.

  2. To ensure the gcc-11 is successful installed, run the following command:

    gcc-11 -v

    The successful result is as below:

    Using built-in specs.
    Target: aarch64-apple-darwin21
    Configured with: ../configure --prefix=/opt/homebrew/opt/gcc@11 --libdir=/opt/homebrew/opt/gcc@11/lib/gcc/11 --disable-nls --enable-checking=release --with-gcc-major-version-only --enable-languages=c,c++,objc,obj-c++,fortran --program-suffix=-11 --with-gmp=/opt/homebrew/opt/gmp --with-mpfr=/opt/homebrew/opt/mpfr --with-mpc=/opt/homebrew/opt/libmpc --with-isl=/opt/homebrew/opt/isl --with-zstd=/opt/homebrew/opt/zstd --with-pkgversion='Homebrew GCC 11.3.0' --with-bugurl= --build=aarch64-apple-darwin21 --with-system-zlib --with-sysroot=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX12.sdk
    Thread model: posix
    Supported LTO compression algorithms: zlib zstd
    gcc version 11.3.0 (Homebrew GCC 11.3.0)
  3. Modify the bm_utils.c file in the ssb-dbgen directory:

    • Change the #include <malloc.h> in line 41 to #include <sys/malloc.h>

    • Change the open(fullpath, ((*mode == 'r')?O_RDONLY:O_WRONLY)|O_CREAT|O_LARGEFILE,0644); in line 398 to open(fullpath, ((*mode == 'r')?O_RDONLY:O_WRONLY)|O_CREAT,0644);

  4. Modify the varsub.c file in the ssb-dbgen directory:

    • Change the #include <malloc.h> in line 5 to #include <sys/malloc.h>
  5. Modify the makefile file in the ssb-dbgen directory:

    • Change the CC = gcc in line 5 to CC = gcc-11
  6. Enter into ssb-dbgen directory again and compile:

    cd ssb-dbgen
  7. Check the ssb-dbgen directory, when the the dbgen file is generated, indicating that the compilation is successful.

I built MatrixOne in the main branch initially but encountered panic when switching to other versions for building

The storage formats between MatrixOne version 0.8.0 and its earlier versions are not compatible with each other. This means that when executing make build, the system will automatically generate a data directory file named mo-data to store data.

In the future, if you need to switch to another branch and re-execute make build to build MatrixOne, it may cause a panic situation to occur. In this case, you need first to clean the mo-data data directory (that is, execute the rm -rf mo-data command), and then rebuild MatrixOne.

Reference code example:

[root ~]# cd matrixone  // Go to the matrixone directory
[root ~]# git branch // Check the current branch
* 0.8.0
[root ~]# make build // Build matrixone
...    // The build process code is omitted here. If you want to switch to another version, such as version 0.7.0,
[root ~]# git checkout 0.7.0 // Switch to version 0.7.0
[root ~]# rm -rf mo-data // Clean up the data directory
[root ~]# make build // Build matrixone again
...    // The build process code is omitted here
[root ~]# ./mo-service --daemon --launch ./etc/launch/launch.toml &> test.log &   // Start MatrixOne service in the terminal backend


The MatrixOne version 0.8.0 is compatible with the storage format of older versions. If you use version 0.8.0 or a higher version, there is no need to clean the data file directory when switching to other branches and buildings.

Password authentication error when connecting to the MatrixOne cluster via proxy with CN label

  • Issue Reason: Incorrect connection string formatting. Support for extending the username field is available when connecting to the MatrixOne cluster through the MySQL client. You can add a ? after the username and follow it with CN group labels. CN group labels consist of key-value pairs separated by = and multiple key-value pairs are separated by commas ,.

  • Solution: Please refer to the following example.

Assuming the configuration for the CN group in your MatrixOne's mo.yaml configuration file is as shown below:

## Displaying partial code only
- cacheVolume:
    size: 100Gi
  - key: workload
    - bk

When connecting to the MatrixOne cluster through the MySQL client, you can use the following command example: mysql -u root?workload=bk -p111 -h -P 31429. In this command, workload=bk is the CN label, connected using =.

Similarly, when using the mo-dump tool to export data, refer to the following command example: mo-dump -u "dump?workload=bk" -h -P 31429 -db tpch_10g > /tmp/mo/tpch_10g.sql.