//Create a table named "numtable" with 3 attributes of an "int", a "float" and a "double"
> create table numtable(id int,fl float, dl double);
//Insert a dataset of int, float and double into table "numtable"
> insert into numtable values(3,1.234567,1.2345678912345678912);
// Create a table named "numtable" with 2 attributes of an "int" and a "float" up to 5 digits in total, of which 3 digits may be after the decimal point.
> create table numtable(id int,fl float(5,3));
//Insert a dataset of int, float into table "numtable"
> insert into numtable values(3,99.123);
//Create a table named "numtable" with 2 attributes of an "int" and a "float" up to 23 digits in total.
> create table numtable(id int,fl float(23));
//Insert a dataset of int, float into table "numtable"
> insert into numtable values(1,1.2345678901234567890123456789);
//Create a table named "numtable" with 4 attributes of an "unsigned tinyint", an "unsigned smallint", an "unsigned int" and an "unsigned bigint"
> create table numtable(a tinyint unsigned, b smallint unsigned, c int unsigned, d bigint unsigned);
//Insert a dataset of unsigned (tinyint, smallint, int and bigint) into table "numtable"
> insert into numtable values(255,65535,4294967295,18446744073709551615);
//Create a table named "names" with 2 attributes of a "varchar" and a "char"
> create table names(name varchar(255),age char(255));
//Insert a data of "varchar" and "char" into table "names"
> insert into names(name, age) values('Abby', '24');
//Create a table named "calendar" with 2 attributes of a "date" and a "datetime"
> create table calendar(a date, b datetime);
//Insert a data of "date" and "datetime" into table "calendar"
> insert into calendar(a, b) values('20220202', '2022-02-02 00:10:30');
> insert into calendar(a, b) values('2022-02-02', '2022-02-02 00:10:30');