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mo_ctl 工具指南

mo_ctl 是一款帮助你对单机版 MatrixOne 进行部署安装、启停控制以及数据库连接等操作的命令行工具。


mo_ctl 目前已适配过的操作系统如下表所示:

操作系统 版本
Debian 11 及以上
Ubuntu 20.04 及以上
macOS Monterey 12.3 及以上

mo_ctl 目前的功能列表如下表所示。

命令 功能
mo_ctl help 查看mo_ctl工具本身的语句和功能列表
mo_ctl precheck 检查MatrixOne源码安装所需要的依赖项,分别为golang, gcc, git,MySQL Client
mo_ctl deploy 下载并安装及编译MatrixOne相应版本,默认为安装最新稳定版本
mo_ctl start 启动MatrixOne服务
mo_ctl status 检查MatrixOne服务是否正在运行中
mo_ctl stop 停止所有MatrixOne服务进程
mo_ctl restart 重启MatrixOne服务
mo_ctl connect 调用MySQL Client连接MatrixOne服务
mo_ctl upgrade 将MatrixOne从当前版本升级/降级到某个发布版本或者commit id版本
mo_ctl set_conf 设置各类使用参数
mo_ctl get_conf 查看当前使用参数
mo_ctl uninstall 从MO_PATH路径下卸载MatrixOne
mo_ctl watchdog 设置一个定时任务保证MatrixOne服务可用性,每分钟检查MatrixOne的状态,如果发现服务中止则自动拉起服务
mo_ctl sql 直接通过命令执行SQL或者SQL构成的文本文件
mo_ctl ddl_convert 将MySQL的DDL语句转换成MatrixOne语句的工具
mo_ctl get_cid 查看当前使用MatrixOne下载仓库的源码版本
mo_ctl get_branch 查看当前使用MatrixOne下载仓库的分支版本
mo_ctl pprof 用于收集MatrixOne的性能分析数据

安装 mo_ctl

根据您是否有互联网访问权限,可以选择在线或离线安装 mo_ctl 工具,你需要注意始终以 root 或具有 sudo 权限执行命令(并在每个命令前添加 sudo)。同时, 将使用 unzip 命令来解压 mo_ctl 软件包,请确保已安装 unzip 命令。


wget && sudo bash +x ./

# 备用地址
wget && sudo bash +x

对于在 macOS 环境中运行此命令的用户,如果您是非 root 用户,请以以下语句运行

sudo -u $(whoami) bash +x ./


# 1. 先将安装脚本下载到本地计算机,再上传到安装机器上
wget -O

# 备用地址
wget -O

# 2. 从离线包安装
bash +x ./


可以通过以下步骤快速安装部署单机版 MatrixOne,详细指南可以查看单机部署 MatrixOne.

  1. 使用命令 mo_ctl help 查看工具指南。

  2. 使用命令 mo_ctl precheck 查看前置依赖条件是否满足。

  3. 使用命令 mo_ctl get_conf 设置相关参数,可能用到的参数配置如下所示:

    # check default parameter values
    mo_ctl set_conf MO_PATH="/data/mo/matrixone" # set your own mo path
    mo_ctl set_conf MO_GIT_URL="" # in case have network issues, you can set this conf by overwritting default value MO_GIT_URL=""
  4. 使用命令 mo_ctl deploy 安装部署 MatrixOne 最新稳定版本。

  5. 使用命令 mo_ctl start 启动 MatrixOne 服务。

  6. 使用命令 mo_ctl connect 连接 MatrixOne 服务。


help - 打印参考指南

mo_ctl help
Usage             : mo_ctl [option_1] [option_2]

  [option_1]      : available: connect | ddl_connect | deploy | get_branch | get_cid | get_conf | help | pprof | precheck | query | restart | set_conf | sql | start | status | stop | uninstall | upgrade | watchdog
  1) connect      : connect to mo via mysql client using connection info configured
  2) ddl_convert  : convert ddl file to mo format from other types of database
  3) deploy       : deploy mo onto the path configured
  4) get_branch   : upgrade or downgrade mo from current version to a target commit id or stable version
  5) get_cid      : print mo git commit id from the path configured
  6) get_conf     : get configurations
  7) help         : print help information
  8) pprof        : collect pprof information
  9) precheck     : check pre-requisites for mo_ctl
  10) restart     : a combination operation of stop and start
  11) set_conf    : set configurations
  12) sql         : execute sql from string, or a file or a path containg multiple files
  13) start       : start mo-service from the path configured
  14) status      : check if there's any mo process running on this machine
  15) stop        : stop all mo-service processes found on this machine
  16) uninstall   : uninstall mo from path MO_PATH=/data/mo/20230712_1228//matrixone
  17) upgrade     : upgrade or downgrade mo from current version to a target commit id or stable version
  18) watchdog    : setup a watchdog crontab task for mo-service to keep it alive
  e.g.            : mo_ctl status

  [option_2]      : Use " mo_ctl [option_1] help " to get more info
  e.g.            : mo_ctl deploy help

使用 mo_ctl [option_1] help 来获取下一级 mo_ctl [option_1] 功能的使用指南。

precheck - 检查前置依赖条件

源码安装 MatrixOne 前使用 mo_ctl precheck 检查前置依赖条件,目前前置依赖于 go/gcc/git/mysql(client)

mo_ctl precheck help
Usage         : mo_ctl precheck # check pre-requisites for mo_ctl
   Check list : go gcc git mysql

deploy - 安装 MatrixOne

使用 mo_ctl deploy [mo_version] [force] 安装部署稳定版本 MatrixOne, 或某个指定版本,通过 force 选项可以将同一目录下已经存在的 MatrixOne 版本删除,强制重新安装新版本。

mo_ctl deploy help
Usage         : mo_ctl deploy [mo_version] [force] # deploy mo onto the path configured
  [mo_version]: optional, specify an mo version to deploy
  [force]     : optional, if specified will delete all content under MO_PATH and deploy from beginning
  e.g.        : mo_ctl deploy             # default, same as mo_ctl deploy 0.8.0
              : mo_ctl deploy main        # deploy development latest version
              : mo_ctl deploy d29764a     # deploy development version d29764a
              : mo_ctl deploy 0.8.0       # deploy stable verson 0.8.0
              : mo_ctl deploy force       # delete all under MO_PATH and deploy verson 0.8.0
              : mo_ctl deploy 0.8.0 force # delete all under MO_PATH and deploy stable verson 0.8.0 from beginning

start - 启动 MatrixOne 服务

使用 mo_ctl start 启动 MatrixOne 服务, 启动文件路径位于 MO_PATH 下。

mo_ctl start help
Usage         : mo_ctl start # start mo-service from the path configured

stop - 停止 MatrixOne 服务

使用 mo_ctl stop [force] 停止本机器上所有 MatrixOne 服务,如果有多个 MatrixOne 服务在运行,也会全部停止。

 mo_ctl stop help
Usage         : mo_ctl stop [force] # stop all mo-service processes found on this machine
 [force]      : optional, if specified, will try to kill mo-services with -9 option, so be very carefully
  e.g.        : mo_ctl stop         # default, stop all mo-service processes found on this machine
              : mo_ctl stop force   # stop all mo-services with kill -9 command

restart - 重启 MatrixOne 服务

使用 mo_ctl restart [force] 停止所有本机器上 MatrixOne 服务,并重启位于 MO_PATH 路径下的 MatrixOne 服务.

mo_ctl restart help
Usage         : mo_ctl restart [force] # a combination operation of stop and start
 [force]      : optional, if specified, will try to kill mo-services with -9 option, so be very carefully
  e.g.        : mo_ctl restart         # default, stop all mo-service processes found on this machine and start mo-serivce under path of conf MO_PATH
              : mo_ctl restart force   # stop all mo-services with kill -9 command and start mo-serivce under path of conf MO_PATH

connect - 通过 mysql-client 连接 MatrixOne 服务

使用 mo_ctl connect 连接到 MatrixOne 服务,连接参数均由 mo_ctl 工具中设置。

mo_ctl connect help
Usage         : mo_ctl connect # connect to mo via mysql client using connection info configured

status - 检查 MatrixOne 的状态

使用 mo_ctl status 来检查 MatrixOne 的运行状态,是否在运行中。

mo_ctl status help
Usage         : mo_ctl status # check if there's any mo process running on this machine

get_cid - 打印 MatrixOne 代码提交 id

使用 mo_ctl get_cid 打印当前 MO_PATH 路径下的 MatrixOne 代码库提交 id。

mo_ctl get_cid help
Usage         : mo_ctl get_cid # print mo commit id from the path configured

get_branch - 打印 MatrixOne 代码提交 id

使用 mo_ctl get_branch 打印当前 MO_PATH 路径下的 MatrixOne 代码库分支。

mo_ctl get_branch help
Usage           : mo_ctl get_branch        # print which git branch mo is currently on

pprof - 收集性能信息

使用 mo_ctl pprof [item] [duration] 收集 MatrixOne 的相关性能信息, 主要为开发人员进行调试使用。

mo_ctl pprof help
Usage         : mo_ctl pprof [item] [duration] # collect pprof information
  [item]      : optional, specify what pprof to collect, available: profile | heap | allocs
  1) profile  : default, collect profile pprof for 30 seconds
  2) heap     : collect heap pprof at current moment
  3) allocs   : collect allocs pprof at current moment
  [duration]  : optional, only valid when [item]=profile, specifiy duration to collect profile
  e.g.        : mo_ctl pprof
              : mo_ctl pprof profile    # collect duration will use conf value PPROF_PROFILE_DURATION from conf file or 30 if it's not set
              : mo_ctl pprof profile 30
              : mo_ctl pprof heap

set_conf - 配置参数

使用 mo_ctl set_conf [conf_list] 配置 1 个或多个使用参数。

mo_ctl set_conf help
Usage         : mo_ctl setconf [conf_list] # set configurations
 [conf_list]  : configuration list in key=value format, seperated by comma
  e.g.        : mo_ctl setconf MO_PATH=/data/mo/matrixone,MO_PW=M@trix0riginR0cks,MO_PORT=6101  # set multiple configurations
              : mo_ctl setconf MO_PATH=/data/mo/matrixone                                       # set single configuration

get_conf - 获取参数列表

使用 mo_ctl get_conf [conf_list] 获取一个或多个当前配置项。

mo_ctl get_conf help
Usage         : mo_ctl getconf [conf_list] # get configurations
 [conf_list]  : optional, configuration list in key, seperated by comma.
              : use 'all' or leave it as blank to print all configurations
  e.g.        : mo_ctl getconf MO_PATH,MO_PW,MO_PORT  # get multiple configurations
              : mo_ctl getconf MO_PATH                # get single configuration
              : mo_ctl getconf all                    # get all configurations
              : mo_ctl getconf                        # get all configurations

mo_ctl get_conf - 详细参数列表

使用 mo_ctl get_conf 将打印当前工具使用的所有参数列表,它们的释义与取值范围如下表所示。

参数名称 功能 取值规范
MO_PATH MatrixOne的代码库及可执行文件存放位置 文件夹路径
MO_LOG_PATH MatrixOne的日志存放位置 文件夹路径,默认为${MO_PATH}/matrixone/logs
MO_HOST 连接MatrixOne服务的IP地址 IP地址,默认为127.0.0.1
MO_PORT 连接MatrixOne服务的端口号 端口号,默认为6001
MO_USER 连接MatrixOne服务使用的用户名 用户名,默认为root
MO_PW 连接MatrixOne服务使用的密码 密码,默认为111
CHECK_LIST precheck需要的检查依赖项 默认为("go" "gcc" "git" "mysql")
GCC_VERSION precheck检查的gcc版本 默认为8.5.0
GO_VERSION precheck检查的go版本 默认为1.20
MO_GIT_URL MatrixOne的源码拉取地址 默认为
MO_DEFAULT_VERSION 默认拉取的MatrixOne的版本 默认为0.8.0
GOPROXY GOPROXY的地址,一般为国内加速拉取golang依赖包而使用 默认为,direct
STOP_INTERVAL 停止间隔,停止服务后检测服务状态等待时间 默认为5秒
START_INTERVAL 启动间隔,启动服务后检测服务状态等待时间 默认为2秒
MO_DEBUG_PORT MatrixOne的debug端口,一般为开发人员使用 默认为9876
MO_CONF_FILE MatrixOne的启动配置文件 默认为${MO_PATH}/matrixone/etc/launch-tae-CN-tae-DN/launch.toml
RESTART_INTERVAL 重启间隔,重启服务后检测服务状态等待时间 默认为2秒
PPROF_OUT_PATH golang的性能收集数据输出路径 默认为/tmp/pprof-test/
PPROF_PROFILE_DURATION golang的性能收集时间 默认为30秒

ddl_convert - DDL 格式转换

使用 mo_ctl ddl_convert [options] [src_file] [tgt_file] 将一个 DDL 文件从其他数据库语法格式转换成 MatrixOne 的 DDL 格式,目前仅有 mysql_to_mo 模式支持。

mo_ctl ddl_convert help
Usage           : mo_ctl ddl_convert [options] [src_file] [tgt_file] # convert a ddl file to mo format from other types of database
 [options]      : available: mysql_to_mo
 [src_file]     : source file to be converted, will use env DDL_SRC_FILE from conf file by default
 [tgt_file]     : target file of converted output, will use env DDL_TGT_FILE from conf file by default
  e.g.          : mo_ctl ddl_convert mysql_to_mo /tmp/mysql.sql /tmp/mo.sql

sql - 执行 SQL

使用 mo_ctl sql [sql] 来执行 SQL 文本或者 SQL 文件。

mo_ctl sql help
Usage           : mo_ctl sql [sql]                 # execute sql from string, or a file or a path containg multiple files
  [sql]         : a string quote by "", or a file, or a path
  e.g.          : mo_ctl sql "use test;select 1;"  # execute sql "use test;select 1"
                : mo_ctl sql /data/q1.sql          # execute sql in file /data/q1.sql
                : mo_ctl sql /data/                # execute all sql files with .sql postfix in /data/

uninstall - 卸载 MatrixOne

使用 mo_ctl uninstall 来从 MO_PATH 上卸载 MatrixOne。

mo_ctl uninstall help
Usage           : mo_ctl uninstall        # uninstall mo from path MO_PATH=/data/mo//matrixone
                                          # note: you will need to input 'Yes/No' to confirm before uninstalling

upgrade - 升级/降级 MatrixOne 版本

使用 mo_ctl upgrade version 或者 mo_ctl upgrade commitid 来将 MatrixOne 从当前版本升级或降级到某个稳定版本或者某个 commit id 版本。

mo_ctl upgrade help
Usage           : mo_ctl upgrade [version_commitid]   # upgrade or downgrade mo from current version to a target commit id or stable version
 [commitid]     : a commit id such as '38888f7', or a stable version such as '0.8.0'
                : use 'latest' to upgrade to latest commit on main branch if you don't know the id
  e.g.          : mo_ctl upgrade 38888f7              # upgrade/downgrade to commit id 38888f7 on main branch
                : mo_ctl upgrade latest               # upgrade/downgrade to latest commit on main branch
                : mo_ctl upgrade 0.8.0                # upgrade/downgrade to stable version 0.8.0

watchdog - 保活 MatrixOne

使用 mo_ctl watchdog [options] 设置一个定时任务保证 MatrixOne 服务可用性,每分钟检查 MatrixOne 的状态,如果发现服务中止则自动拉起服务。

mo_ctl watchdog help
Usage           : mo_ctl watchdog [options]   # setup a watchdog crontab task for mo-service to keep it alive
 [options]      : available: enable | disable | status
  e.g.          : mo_ctl watchdog enable      # enable watchdog service for mo, by default it will check if mo-servie is alive and pull it up if it's dead every one minute
                : mo_ctl watchdog disable     # disable watchdog
                : mo_ctl watchdog status      # check if watchdog is enabled or disabled
                : mo_ctl watchdog             # same as mo_ctl watchdog status