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mo_br regular physical backup recovery

Principle overview

Regular physical backup of the database is to directly copy the physical storage files of the database, including data files, log files, control files, etc., to create an independent copy of the database. This process is usually performed at the file system level and can be implemented through operating system commands. The generated backup is a complete backup of the database, including all data and objects. Backup files can be stored on a variety of media and can be compressed and encrypted to save space and increase security. During recovery, these files can be copied directly to the required location to quickly recover the entire database. In addition, physical backup supports cross-platform migration and is suitable for disaster recovery and database migration scenarios, but may require more storage space and time.

Full backup refers to the backup process of backing up all data in the database. It creates a complete copy of the database, which usually requires more storage space and longer time to complete. Because it contains all data, full backup is relatively simple to restore and can be restored directly to the state at the time of backup.

Incremental backup means backing up data that has changed since the last backup. It only copies data blocks or data files that have been modified between backups, so the backup set is usually smaller and the backup speed is faster. Incremental backups can save storage space and backup time, but may be more complex during data recovery because a series of incremental backups need to be applied in sequence to restore to the latest state.

MatrixOne supports incremental and full physical backup recovery using mo_br:


mo_br enterprise-level service backup and recovery tool, you need to contact your MatrixOne account manager to obtain the tool download path.


Example 1 Full backup and restore

  • Connect mo to create databases db1, db2.
create database db1;
create database db2;

mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| db1                |
| db2                |
| information_schema |
| mo_catalog         |
| mo_debug           |
| mo_task            |
| mysql              |
| system             |
| system_metrics     |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  • Create full backup
./mo_br backup --host "" --port 6001 --user "dump" --password "111" --backup_dir "filesystem"  --path "/Users/admin/soft/backuppath/syncback1"

Backup ID

./mo_br list
|                  ID                  | SIZE  |                  PATH                  |          AT TIME          |   DURATION   |       COMPLETE TIME       |       BACKUPTS        | BACKUPTYPE |
| 25536ff0-126f-11ef-9902-26dd28356ef3 | 65 MB |      BackupDir: filesystem  Path:      | 2024-05-15 11:56:44 +0800 | 8.648091083s | 2024-05-15 11:56:53 +0800 | 1715745404915410000-1 |    full    |
|                                      |       | /Users/admin/soft/backuppath/syncback1 |                           |              |                           |                       |            |
  • Connect mo to drop database db1 and create database db3.
drop database db1;
create database db3;

mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| db2                |
| db3                |
| information_schema |
| mo_catalog         |
| mo_debug           |
| mo_task            |
| mysql              |
| system             |
| system_metrics     |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  • Stop mo service, delete mo-data, restore backup
mo_ctl stop
rm -rf /Users/admin/soft/matrixone/mo-data

./mo_br restore 25536ff0-126f-11ef-9902-26dd28356ef3  --restore_dir filesystem --restore_path "/Users/admin/soft/matrixone"
    BackupDir: filesystem
    Path: /Users/admin/soft/backuppath/syncback1

    BackupDir: filesystem
    Path: /Users/admin/soft/matrixone

restore tae file path ./mo-data/shared, parallelism 1,  parallel count num: 1
restore file num: 1, total file num: 733, cost : 549µs
Copy tae file 1
    018f7a41-1881-7999-bbd6-858c3d4acc18_00000 => mo-data/shared/018f7a41-1881-7999-bbd6-858c3d4acc18_00000
  • Start mo and check the recovery status
mo_ctl start
mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| db1                |
| db2                |
| information_schema |
| mo_catalog         |
| mo_debug           |
| mo_task            |
| mysql              |
| system             |
| system_metrics     |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

As you can see, the recovery was successful.

Example 2 Incremental backup and recovery

  • Connect mo to create databases db1, db2
create database db1;
create database db2;

mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| db1                |
| db2                |
| information_schema |
| mo_catalog         |
| mo_debug           |
| mo_task            |
| mysql              |
| system             |
| system_metrics     |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  • Create full backup
./mo_br backup --host "" --port 6001 --user "dump" --password "111" --backup_dir "filesystem"  --path "/Users/admin/soft/backuppath/syncback2"

Backup ID
  • Create incremental backup based on the above full backup
./mo_br backup --host "" --port 6001 --user "dump" --password "111" --backup_dir "filesystem"  --path "/Users/admin/soft/backuppath/syncback2" --backup_type "incremental" --base_id "2289638c-1284-11ef-85e4-26dd28356ef3"

Backup ID

./mo_br list
|                  ID                  | SIZE  |                  PATH                  |          AT TIME          |   DURATION   |       COMPLETE TIME       |       BACKUPTS        | BACKUPTYPE  |
| 2289638c-1284-11ef-85e4-26dd28356ef3 | 70 MB |      BackupDir: filesystem  Path:      | 2024-05-15 14:26:59 +0800 | 9.927034917s | 2024-05-15 14:27:09 +0800 | 1715754419668571000-1 |    full     |
|                                      |       | /Users/admin/soft/backuppath/syncback2 |                           |              |                           |                       |             |
| 81531c5a-1284-11ef-9ba3-26dd28356ef3 | 72 MB |      BackupDir: filesystem  Path:      | 2024-05-15 14:29:38 +0800 | 2.536263666s | 2024-05-15 14:29:41 +0800 | 1715754578690660000-1 | incremental |
|                                      |       | /Users/admin/soft/backuppath/syncback2 |                           |              |                           |                       |             |

Comparing the duration of incremental backup and full backup, you can see that incremental backup takes less time.

  • Connect mo to drop database db1 and create database db3.
drop database db1;
create database db3;

mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| db2                |
| db3                |
| information_schema |
| mo_catalog         |
| mo_debug           |
| mo_task            |
| mysql              |
| system             |
| system_metrics     |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  • Stop mo service, delete mo-data, restore backup
mo_ctl stop
rm -rf /Users/admin/soft/matrixone/mo-data

./mo_br restore 81531c5a-1284-11ef-9ba3-26dd28356ef3  --restore_dir filesystem --restore_path "/Users/admin/soft/matrixone"
2024/05/15 14:35:27.910925 +0800 INFO malloc/malloc.go:43 malloc {"max buffer size": 2147483648, "num shards": 8, "classes": 23, "min class size": 128, "max class size": 1048576, "buffer objects per class": 22}
    BackupDir: filesystem
    Path: /Users/admin/soft/backuppath/syncback2

    BackupDir: filesystem
    Path: /Users/admin/soft/matrixone

  • Start mo and check the recovery status
mo_ctl start
mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| db1                |
| db2                |
| information_schema |
| mo_catalog         |
| mo_debug           |
| mo_task            |
| mysql              |
| system             |
| system_metrics     |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

As you can see, the recovery was successful.