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Report Issues

Any problem is encouraged to be published when you participate in MatrixOne, and you can report issues about this problem on GitHub with templates and labels we suggest.
This page is intended to introduce templates, labels, and precautions you will follow when you report issues.

Avoid Duplicated Issues

Before reporting an issue, you should see whether the problem has already been reported. You can use the search bar to search for existing issues.

Issue Templates

If the problem you're reporting is not already in the issue tracker, you can file an issue with your GitHub account. MatrixOne uses issue templates for different kinds of issues. Issue templates are a bundle of questions to collect necessary information about the problem to make it easy for other contributors to participate. MatrixOne suggests 6 types of issue templates:

A Bug report issue template consists of the information below:

  • Detail Environment
    Describe the details about the operating environment including version, hardware parameters, OS type, and so on.
  • Steps to Reproduce
    List steps to reproduce what you encountered.
  • Actual & Expected Behavior
    Describe what's the observed and your expected behavior respectively.

A Feature Request consists of the information below:

  • Is your feature request related to a problem?
    A clear and concise description of the problem and state why you need this feature.
  • Describe the feature you'd like:
    A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.
  • Describe alternatives you've considered:
    A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.
  • Teachability, Documentation, Adoption, Migration Strategy:
    If you can, explain some scenarios in how users might use this, and situations it would be helpful. Any API designs, mockups, or diagrams are also helpful.

A Documentation Issue consists of the information below:

  • Describe the issue
    A clear and concise description of what's wrong in the documentation.
  • Additional context
    Add any other context about the problem here.

A Performance Question consists of the information below:

  • Detail Environment
    Describe the details about the operating environment including version, hardware parameters, OS type, and so on.
  • Steps to Reproduce
    List steps detailedly to reproduce the operations to test performance.
  • Expected & Actual Performance
    Describe what's the observed and your expected performance respectively.
  • Additional context
    Add any other context about the problem here. For example:
    • Have you compared MatrixOne with other databases? If yes, what's their difference?

An Enhancement consists of the information below:

  • What would you like to be added
    A concise description of what you're expecting/suggesting.
  • Why is this needed
    A concise description of the reason/motivation.
  • Anything else
    Anything that will give us more details about your issue!

A Refactoring Request consists of the information below:

  • Is your refactoring request related to a problem?
    A clear and concise description of what the problem is.
  • Describe the solution you'd like
    A clear and concise description of the refactoring you want to do.
  • Describe alternatives you've considered
    A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or refactoring methods you've considered.
  • Additional context
    Add any other context or screenshots about the refactoring request here.

A General Question:

If the previous templates don't fit with what you'd like to report or ask, please use this general question template to file the issue.

Before asking a question, make sure you have:

Issue Labels

Once your issue is submitted, it will automatically be labeled with needs-triage, a MatrixOne maintainer will look at the issue, tag it with more suitable labels, and assign it to a suitable developer. If you'd like to work on the issue by yourself, you can comment /assign on the issue you would like to work on, and you will be automatically assigned to the issue. You can then find yourself listed under the Assignees section.

Good First Issues

When you make the first contribution to MatrixOne, you can select one of the issues labeled good-first-issues each of which is relatively approachable for first-time contributors. For detailed suggestions, you need when you make the first contribution, you can see Make Your First Contribution.