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Experience Environment Deployment Plan

This document introduces the deployment plan for the MatrixOne experience environment, which can be used to experience the basic distributed capabilities of MatrixOne. You can simply experience the database's essential development, operation, and maintenance functions. Still, it is unsuitable for deploying production environments, performing performance stress tests, conducting high availability tests, etc.

Hardware Configuration

The hardware configuration requirements for the deployment plan of the experience environment are as follows:

Hardware Environment Requirements Physical/Virtual Machine
Number of Devices 3
CPU Configuration 2 cores or more
Memory Configuration 8GB or more
Disk Configuration 200GB or more
Network Card Configuration Not limited

Software Configuration

The software configuration requirements for the deployment plan of the experience environment include operating system and platform requirements and deployment software module requirements:

Operating System and Platform Requirements

Operating System Supported CPU Architecture
CentOS 7.3 or above 7.x version X86_64

Deployment Software Module Requirements

Software Module Number of Deployments Function Description
Kubernetes 3 Provides container management for the entire cluster
Minio 1 Provides storage services for the MatrixOne cluster
MatrixOne 1 Core of the database

The deployment guide for the MatrixOne distributed environment experience environment can refer to MatrixOne Distributed Cluster Deployment.