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mo-dump Backup and Recovery

For businesses that produce a lot of data every day, it's important to back up the database. In case of system crash or hardware failure, or user misoperation, you can recover data and restart the system without data loss.

In addition, data backups serve as safeguards before upgrading a MatrixOne installation, while data backups can also be used to transfer a MatrixOne installation to another system.

MatrixOne supports logical backups via the mo-dump utility. modump is a command-line utility that generates logical backups of MatrixOne databases. It generates SQL statements that can be used to recreate database objects and data. You can find its syntax description and usage guide in the mo-dump chapter.

We'll walk through a simple example of how to use the mo-dump utility to complete the data backup and restore process.


1. Deployment of mo-dump

See the mo-dump tool writing chapter to complete the deployment of the mo-dump tool.

2. Generate a backup of a single database

An example is the database t and its table t1 created using the following SQL:

USE `t`;
create table t1
    c1  int primary key auto_increment,
    c2  tinyint not null default 4,
    c3  smallint,
    c4  bigint,
    c5  tinyint unsigned,
    c6  smallint unsigned,
    c7  int unsigned,
    c8  bigint unsigned,
    c9  float,
    c10 double,
    c11 date,
    c12 datetime,
    c13 timestamp on update current_timestamp,
    c14 char,
    c15 varchar,
    c16 json,
    c17 decimal,
    c18 text,
    c19 blob,
    c20 uuid
insert into t1 values (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '2019-01-01', '2019-01-01 00:00:00', '2019-01-01 00:00:00', 'a', 'a', '{"a":1}','1212.1212', 'a', 'aza', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000');

If you want to generate a backup of a single database, you can run the following command. This command will generate a backup of the database named t with the structure and data in the t.sql file.

./mo-dump -u root -p 111 -h -P 6001 -db t > t.sql

If you want to generate a backup of a single table in the database, you can run the following command. This command generates a backup of the t1 table of the database named t, which contains the structure and data in the t.sql file.

./mo-dump -u root -p 111 -db t -tbl t1 > t1.sql


If you want to generate a backup of multiple databases/tables, you need to separate the database names/table names with , .

3. Restore Backup to MatrixOne Server

Restoring an exported sql file to a MatrixOne database is relatively simple. To recover your database, you must first create an empty database and use the MySQL client to recover.

Connect MatrixOne to the same server as the MySQL client and make sure the exported sql file is also on the same server.

mysql> create database t if not exists;
mysql> source /YOUR_SQL_FILE_PATH/t.sql

After successfully executing the above command, execute the following command to check if all objects were created on the named t database.

mysql> use t;
mysql> show tables;
mysql> select count(*) from t1;