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Grammar description

CREATE SOURCE Creates a connection to streamed data and adds a new SOURCE table to the current database.

Grammar structure

( { column_name data_type [KEY | HEADERS | HEADER(key)] } [, ...] )
WITH ( property_name = expression [, ...]);

Interpretation of grammar

  • stream_name: SOURCE Name. The SOURCE name must be different from any existing SOURCE name in the current database.
  • column_name: Streaming data maps to column names in the SOURCE table.
  • data_type: column_name corresponds to the type of field in the data table.
  • property_name = expression: For specific configuration item names for streaming data mappings and corresponding values, the configurable items are as follows:
property_name expression Description
"type" Only 'kafka' is supported: Currently, only kafka is supported as an accepted source.
"topic" The corresponding topic in the kafka data source
"partion" The corresponding partion in the kafka data source
"value" Only 'json' is supported: Currently, only json is supported as an accepted data format.
"bootstrap.servers" The IP:PORT of the kafka server.
"sasl.username" Specify the SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer) username to use when connecting to Kafka.
"sasl.password" Used in conjunction with sasl.username, this parameter provides the corresponding password
"sasl.mechanisms" SASL mechanism for authentication between client and server
"security.protocol" Specifies the security protocol to use when communicating with the Kafka server


create source stream_test(c1 char(25),c2 varchar(500),c3 text,c4 tinytext,c5 mediumtext,c6 longtext )with(
    "topic"= 'test',
    "partition" = '0',
    "value"= 'json',
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)


drop and alter are not currently supported in the SOURCE table.

Only join kafka is currently supported when creating a SOURCE table, and only transport data in json format is supported.