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Function Description

The SUBVECTOR() function is used to extract subvectors from vectors.

Function syntax


SUBVECTOR(vec, pos, len) ```

Parameter interpretation

Parameters Description
vec Required Parameters. The source vector from which the subvectors are extracted
pos Required Parameters. The position at which to start the extraction. The first position in the vector is 1. If pos is positive, the function extracts from the beginning of the vector. If pos is negative, the extraction starts at the end of the vector.
len Optional parameters. The number of dimensions to extract. Defaults to a subvector starting at position pos and ending at the end of the vector. If len is less than 1, the empty vector is returned.


mysql> SELECT SUBVECTOR("[1,2,3]", 2);
| subvector([1,2,3], 2) |
| [2, 3]                |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> SELECT SUBVECTOR("[1,2,3]",-1,1);
| subvector([1,2,3], -1, 1) |
| [3]                       |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT SUBVECTOR("[1,2,3]",-1,0);
| subvector([1,2,3], -1, 0) |
| []                        |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)