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Export data by MODUMP

There are two methods to export data with MatrixOne:

  • mo-dump

This document will introduce about how to export data with mo-dump.

What is mo-dump

Like mysqldump, MatrixOne has a client utility tool called mo-dump that can perform backups of a MatrixOne database by exporting a ".sql" file type that contains SQL statements can be executed to recreate the original database.

To use the mo-dump tool, you must have access to a server running an instance of MatrixOne. You must also have user credentials with the required privileges for the database you want to export.


./mo-dump -u ${user} -p ${password} -h ${host} -P ${port} -db ${database} [--local-infile=true] [-csv] [-tbl ${table}...] -net-buffer-length ${net-buffer-length} > {dumpfilename.sql}

The parameters are as following:

  • -u [user]: It is a username to connect to the MatrixOne server. Only the users with database and table read privileges can use mo-dump utility. Default value: dump

  • -p [password]: The valid password of the MatrixOne user. Default value: 111

  • -h [host]: The host ip address of MatrixOne server. Default value:

  • -P [port]: The port of MatrixOne server. Default value: 6001

  • -db [database name]: Required parameter. Name of the database that you want to take backup.

  • -net-buffer-length [packet size]: Packet size, the total size of the characters in the SQL statement. The data packet is the basic unit of SQL exported data. If no parameter is set, the default is 1048576 Byte (1M), and the maximum can be set to 16777216 Byte (16M). If the parameter here is set to 16777216 Byte (16M), then when the data larger than 16M is to be exported, the data will be split into multiple 16M data packets, except for the last data packet, the size of other data packets is 16M.

  • -csv: The default value is false. The exported data is in CSV format when set to true.

  • --local-infile: The default value is true and only takes effect when the parameter -csv is set to true. Indicates support for native export of CSV files.

  • -tbl [table name]: Optional parameter. If the parameter is empty, the whole database will be exported. If you want to take the backup specific tables, then you can specify multiple -tbl and table names in the command.

Build the mo-dump binary

To use mo-dump utility, we need to build the tool first. mo-dump is embedded in the MatrixOne source code. You can build the binary from the source code.

Tips: Same as MatrixOne mo-dump is written by Golang, building it will require a Golang installation and environment setting.

  1. Execute the following code to build the mo-dump binary from the MatrixOne source code:

    git clone
    cd matrixone
    make build modump
  2. Then you can find the mo-dump executable file in the MatrixOne folder.


This built mo-dump file can also work in a same hardware platform. But a binary built in a x86 platform will not work correctly in a darwin ARM platform. The best practice is to build and use the binary file within the same operating system and hardware platform. mo-dump only supports Linux and macOS for now.

Steps to Export your MatrixOne Database using mo-dump

mo-dump is easy to use with the command line. Here are the steps to take to export a complete database in the form of SQL commands:

Open up a command line or terminal window on your computer, then verify that from this terminal you can connect to your MatrixOne instance, enter this command to export the database:

./mo-dump -u username -p password -h host_ip_address -P port -db database > exporteddb.sql

For example, if you are launching the terminal in the same server as the MatrixOne instance, and you want to generate the backup of the single database, run the following command. The command will generate the backup of the "t" database with structure and data in the t.sql file. The t.sql file will be located in the same directory as your mo-dump executable.

./mo-dump -u root -p 111 -h -P 6001 -db t > t.sql

If you want to export the tables in the database t to CSV format, refer to the following command:

./mo-dump -u root -p 111 -db t -csv --local-infile=false > ttt.csv

If you want to generate the backup of a single table in a database, run the following command. The command will generate the backup of the t1 table of t database with structure and data in the t.sql file.

./mo-dump -u root -p 111 -db t -tbl t1 > t1.sql


  • mo-dump only supports exporting the backup of a single database, if you have several databases to backup, you need to manually run mo-dump for several times.

  • mo-dump doesn't support exporting only the structure or data of databases. If you want to generate the backup of the data without the database structure or vise versa, you need to manually split the .sql file.