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The UNNEST function is used to expand the column or parameter of the array type in the JSON type data into a table. It splits the elements in the array in the JSON-type data into individual rows so that the array elements can be processed individually or joined with other tables.

When given an empty array, the UNNEST function returns an empty list because there are no additional elements.

When a NULL value is entered, the UNNEST function returns an empty table because NULL is not a valid array.


> UNNEST(array_expression)


Arguments Description
array_expression Required. It is an array expression that can be an array column, an array constant, or the return value of an array function.


  • Example 1:
-- Expand a string array containing JSON objects, '{"a":1}' is a string array containing a single element. This element is a string representing a JSON object.
> select * from unnest('{"a":1}') u;
| col            | seq  | key  | path | index | value | this     |
| UNNEST_DEFAULT |    0 | a    | $.a  |  NULL | 1     | {"a": 1} |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

-- Expand a string array '[1,2,3]' containing integers, and use the alias u to represent the expanded columns.
> select * from unnest('[1,2,3]') u;
| col            | seq  | key  | path | index | value | this      |
| UNNEST_DEFAULT |    0 | NULL | $[0] |     0 | 1     | [1, 2, 3] |
| UNNEST_DEFAULT |    0 | NULL | $[1] |     1 | 2     | [1, 2, 3] |
| UNNEST_DEFAULT |    0 | NULL | $[2] |     2 | 3     | [1, 2, 3] |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-- Expands a string array '[1,2,3]' containing integers and selects the first element of the array to return as part of the result set. '$[0]' is a path expression specifying the array elements to select, and true is a boolean indicating whether to return a path and uses the alias u for expanded columns.
> select * from unnest('[1,2,3]','$[0]',true) u;
| col            | seq  | key  | path | index | value | this |
| UNNEST_DEFAULT |    0 | NULL | $[0] |  NULL | NULL  | 1    |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  • Example 2:
create table t1 (a json,b int);
insert into t1 values ('{"a":1,"b":[{"c":2,"d":3},false,4],"e":{"f":true,"g":[null,true,1.1]}}',1);
insert into t1 values ('[1,true,false,null,"aaa",1.1,{"t":false}]',2);
> select * from t1;
| a                                                                                     | b    |
| {"a": 1, "b": [{"c": 2, "d": 3}, false, 4], "e": {"f": true, "g": [null, true, 1.1]}} |    1 |
| [1, true, false, null, "aaa", 1.1, {"t": false}]                                      |    2 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-- Expand the elements of array t1.a from table t1 and select the expanded elements to return as part of the result set. "$a" is a path expression specifying the array elements to select; true is a Boolean value indicating whether to return the path; use f.* to select all columns after expansion; f is an alias for the UNNEST function, representing expanded the result of.
mysql> select f.* from t1,unnest(t1.a, "$.a", true) as f;
| col  | seq  | key  | path | index | value | this |
| t1.a |    0 | NULL | $.a  |  NULL | NULL  | 1    |
| t1.a |    0 | NULL | $.a  |  NULL | NULL  | 1    |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)