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Operators Overview

Arithmetic Operators

Name Description
%,MOD Modulo operator
* Multiplication operator
+ Addition operator
- Minus operator
- Change the sign of the argument
/ Division operator
DIV Integer division

Assignment Operators

Name Description
= Equal operator

Bit Functions and Operators

Name Description
& Bitwise AND
>> Right shift
<< Left shift
^ Bitwise XOR
| Bitwise OR
~ Bitwise inversion

Cast Functions and Operators

Name Description
BINARY() Convert a value to a binary string
CAST() Cast a value as a certain type
CONVERT() Cast a value as a certain type

Comparison Functions and Operators

Name Description
> Greater than operator
>= Greater than or equal operator
< Less than operator
<>,!= Not equal operator
<= Less than or equal operator
= Equal operator
BETWEEN ... AND ... Whether a value is within a range of values
IN() Whether a value is within a set of values
IS Test a value against a boolean
IS NOT Test a value against a boolean
IS NULL NULL value test
ISNULL instead of = to test whether a value is NULL
LIKE Simple pattern matching
ILIKE Simple pattern matching. Same as LIKE. But it is not case sensitive.
NOT BETWEEN ... AND ... Whether a value is not within a range of values
NOT IN shorthand for multiple XOR conditions
NOT LIKE Negation of simple pattern matching
COALESCE Return the first non-null value in a list

Flow Control Functions

Name Description
CASE Case operator
IF() If/else construct
IFNULL() Null if/else construct
NULLIF() Return NULL if expr1 = expr2

Logical Operators

Name Description
AND,&& Logical AND
NOT,! Negates value
OR Logical OR
XOR Logical XOR