mo_ctl Tool
is a command-line tool that helps you deploy and install MatrixOne, start and stop control, and connect to the database.
Feature Overview
The operating systems that mo_ctl
has adapted so far are shown in the table below:
OS | Version |
Debian | 11 and above |
Ubuntu | 20.04 and above |
macOS | Monterey 12.3 and above |
The current function list of mo_ctl
is shown in the table below.
| Command | Function |
| ------- | -------- ||
| mo_ctl help
| See a list of statements and functions for the mo_ctl
tool itself |
| mo_ctl precheck
| Check dependencies required for MatrixOne source code installation, namely golang, gcc, git, MySQL Client |
| mo_ctl deploy
| Download and install and compile the corresponding version of MatrixOne; the default is to install the latest stable version |
| mo_ctl start
| Start MatrixOne service |
| mo_ctl status
| Check if the MatrixOne service is running |
| mo_ctl stop
| Stop all MatrixOne service processes |
| mo_ctl restart
| Restart MatrixOne service |
| mo_ctl connect
| Call MySQL Client to connect to MatrixOne service |
| mo_ctl upgrade
| Upgrade/downgrade MatrixOne from the current version to a release version or commit id version |
| mo_ctl set_conf
| Set various usage parameters |
| mo_ctl get_conf
| View current parameters |
| mo_ctl uninstall
| Uninstall MatrixOne from MO_PATH path |
| mo_ctl watchdog
| Set a scheduled task to ensure the availability of MatrixOne service, check the status of MatrixOne every minute, and automatically pull up the service if the service is found to be suspended |
| mo_ctl sql
| Execute SQL directly through commands or a text file composed of SQL |
| mo_ctl ddl_convert
| A tool to convert MySQL DDL statements into MatrixOne statements |
| mo_ctl get_cid
| View the source version of the current MatrixOne download repository |
| mo_ctl get_branch
| View the branch version of the current MatrixOne download repository |
| mo_ctl pprof
| Used to collect MatrixOne profiling data |
Install mo_ctl
Depending on whether you have internet access, you can choose to install the mo_ctl
tool online or offline; you need to be careful to consistently execute commands as root or with sudo privileges (and add sudo before each command). Meanwhile,
will use the unzip
command to decompress the mo_ctl
package; please ensure the unzip
command is installed.
Install Online
wget && sudo bash +x ./
# alternate address
wget && sudo bash +x
For users running this command in a macOS environment, if you are a non-root user, run
with the following statement:
sudo -u $(whoami) bash +x ./
Install Offline
# 1. First, download the installation script to the local computer, and then upload it to the installation machine
wget -O
# alternate address
wget -O
# 2. Install from offline package
bash +x ./
Quick Start
You can quickly install and deploy the stand-alone version of MatrixOne through the following steps. For more information, see Deploy standalone MatrixOne.
Use the
mo_ctl help
command to view the tool guide. -
Use the
mo_ctl precheck
command to check whether the pre-dependency conditions are met. -
Use the
mo_ctl get_conf
command to set relevant parameters, and the possible parameter configurations are as follows:# check default parameter values mo_ctl set_conf MO_PATH="/data/mo/matrixone" # set your own mo path mo_ctl set_conf MO_GIT_URL="" # in case have network issues, you can set this conf by overwriting default value MO_GIT_URL="https://"
Use the
mo_ctl deploy
command to install and deploy the latest stable version of MatrixOne. -
Use the
mo_ctl start
command to launch the MatrixOne service with the command . -
Use the
mo_ctl connect
command to connect to the MatrixOne service.
Reference command guide
help - print reference guide
mo_ctl help
Usage : mo_ctl [option_1] [option_2]
[option_1] : available: connect | ddl_connect | deploy | get_branch | get_cid | get_conf | help | pprof | precheck | query | restart | set_conf | sql | start | status | stop | uninstall | upgrade | watchdog
1) connect : connect to mo via mysql client using connection info configured
2) ddl_convert : convert ddl file to mo format from other types of database
3) deploy : deploy mo onto the path configured
4) get_branch : upgrade or downgrade mo from current version to a target commit id or stable version
5) get_cid : print mo git commit id from the path configured
6) get_conf : get configurations
7) help : print help information
8) pprof : collect pprof information
9) precheck : check pre-requisites for mo_ctl
10) restart : a combination operation of stop and start
11) set_conf : set configurations
12) sql : execute sql from string, or a file or a path containg multiple files
13) start : start mo-service from the path configured
14) status : check if there's any mo process running on this machine
15) stop : stop all mo-service processes found on this machine
16) uninstall : uninstall mo from path MO_PATH=/data/mo/20230712_1228//matrixone
17) upgrade : upgrade or downgrade mo from current version to a target commit id or stable version
18) watchdog : setup a watchdog crontab task for mo-service to keep it alive
e.g. : mo_ctl status
[option_2] : Use " mo_ctl [option_1] help " to get more info
e.g. : mo_ctl deploy help
Use mo_ctl [option_1] help
for instructions on using the next-level mo_ctl [option_1]
precheck - check pre-dependency
Before installing MatrixOne from the source code, use mo_ctl precheck
to check the pre-dependency conditions. The pre-dependence depends on go
mo_ctl precheck help
Usage : mo_ctl precheck # check pre-requisites for mo_ctl
Check list : go gcc git mysql
deploy - install MatrixOne
Use mo_ctl deploy [mo_version] [force]
to install and deploy a stable version of MatrixOne, or a specified version. The force
option can delete the existing version of MatrixOne in the same directory and force a new version to be reinstalled.
mo_ctl deploy help
Usage : mo_ctl deploy [mo_version] [force] # deploy mo onto the path configured
[mo_version]: optional, specify an mo version to deploy
[force] : optional, if specified will delete all content under MO_PATH and deploy from beginning
e.g. : mo_ctl deploy # default, same as mo_ctl deploy v1.1.0
: mo_ctl deploy main # deploy development latest version
: mo_ctl deploy d29764a # deploy development version d29764a
: mo_ctl deploy v1.1.0 # deploy stable verson v1.1.0
: mo_ctl deploy force # delete all under MO_PATH and deploy verson v1.1.0
: mo_ctl deploy v1.1.0 force # delete all under MO_PATH and deploy stable verson v1.1.0 from beginning
start - launch MatrixOne
Use mo_ctl start
to start MatrixOne service; the startup file path is located under MO_PATH
mo_ctl start help
Usage : mo_ctl start # start mo-service from the path configured
stop - stop MatrixOne
Use mo_ctl stop [force]
to stop all MatrixOne services on local machine, and if multiple MatrixOne services are running, they will also be stopped.
mo_ctl stop help
Usage : mo_ctl stop [force] # stop all mo-service processes found on this machine
[force] : optional, if specified, will try to kill mo-services with -9 option, so be very carefully
e.g.: mo_ctl stop # default, stop all mo-service processes found on this machine
: mo_ctl stop force # stop all mo-services with kill -9 command
restart - restart MatrixOne
Use mo_ctl restart [force]
to stop all MatrixOne services on this machine and restart the MatrixOne services located in the path of MO_PATH
mo_ctl restart help
Usage : mo_ctl restart [force] # a combination operation of stop and start
[force] : optional, if specified, will try to kill mo-services with -9 option, so be very carefully
e.g. : mo_ctl restart # default, stop all mo-service processes found on this machine and start mo-serivce under path of conf MO_PATH
: mo_ctl restart force # stop all mo-services with kill -9 command and start mo-serivce under path of conf MO_PATH
connect - using mysql-client to connect MatrixOne
Use mo_ctl connect
to connect to MatrixOne service, the connection parameters are set by mo_ctl
mo_ctl connect help
Usage : mo_ctl connect # connect to mo via mysql client using connection info configured
status - Check the status of MatrixOne
Use mo_ctl status
to check whether MatrixOne is running or not.
mo_ctl status help
Usage : mo_ctl status # check if there's any mo process running on this machine
get_cid - print MatrixOne code commit id
Use mo_ctl get_cid
to print the MatrixOne repository commit id under the current MO_PATH
mo_ctl get_cid help
Usage : mo_ctl get_cid # print mo commit id from the path configured
get_branch - print MatrixOne code commit id
Use mo_ctl get_branch
to print the MatrixOne codebase branch under the current MO_PATH
mo_ctl get_branch help
Usage : mo_ctl get_branch # print which git branch mo is currently on
pprof - Collect performance information
Use mo_ctl pprof [item] [duration]
to collect related performance information of MatrixOne, mainly for developers to debug.
mo_ctl pprof help
Usage : mo_ctl pprof [item] [duration] # collect pprof information
[item] : optional, specify what pprof to collect, available: profile | heap | allocs
1) profile : default, collect profile pprof for 30 seconds
2) heap : collect heap pprof at current moment
3) allocs : collect allocs pprof at current moment
[duration] : optional, only valid when [item]=profile, specifiy duration to collect profile
e.g. : mo_ctl pprof
: mo_ctl pprof profile # collect duration will use conf value PPROF_PROFILE_DURATION from conf file or 30 if it's not set
: mo_ctl pprof profile 30
: mo_ctl pprof heap
set_conf - configuration parameters
Use mo_ctl set_conf [conf_list]
to configure 1 or more usage parameters.
mo_ctl set_conf help
Usage : mo_ctl setconf [conf_list] # set configurations
[conf_list] : configuration list in key=value format, seperated by comma
e.g. : mo_ctl setconf MO_PATH=/data/mo/matrixone,MO_PW=M@trix0riginR0cks,MO_PORT=6101 # set multiple configurations
: mo_ctl setconf MO_PATH=/data/mo/matrixone # set single configuration
get_conf - get parameter list
Use mo_ctl get_conf [conf_list]
to get one or more current configuration items.
mo_ctl get_conf help
Usage : mo_ctl getconf [conf_list] # get configurations
[conf_list] : optional, configuration list in key, seperated by comma.
: use 'all' or leave it as blank to print all configurations
e.g. : mo_ctl getconf MO_PATH,MO_PW,MO_PORT # get multiple configurations
: mo_ctl getconf MO_PATH # get single configuration
: mo_ctl getconf all # get all configurations
: mo_ctl getconf # get all configurations
mo_ctl get_conf - Detailed Parameter List
Using mo_ctl get_conf
will print a list of all the parameters used by the current tool. Their meanings and value ranges are shown in the table below.
Parameter Name | Function | Value Specification |
MO_PATH | Location of MatrixOne's code repository and executables | Folder path |
MO_LOG_PATH | Location of MatrixOne's logs | Folder path, default: ${MO_PATH}/matrixone/logs |
MO_HOST | IP address for connecting to MatrixOne service | IP address, default: |
MO_PORT | Port number for connecting to MatrixOne service | Port number, default: 6001 |
MO_USER | Username for connecting to MatrixOne service | Username, default: root |
MO_PW | Password for connecting to MatrixOne service | Password, default: 111 |
CHECK_LIST | Dependencies required for precheck | Default: ("go" "gcc" "git" "mysql") |
GCC_VERSION | gcc version to be checked in precheck | Default: 8.5.0 |
GO_VERSION | go version to be checked in precheck | Default: 1.20 |
MO_GIT_URL | Repository URL for fetching MatrixOne source code | Default: |
MO_DEFAULT_VERSION | Default version of MatrixOne to be fetched | Default: v1.1.0 |
GOPROXY | Address of GOPROXY used for faster dependency retrieval in China | Default:, direct |
STOP_INTERVAL | Interval to wait for service status check after stopping the service | Default: 5 seconds |
START_INTERVAL | Interval to wait for service status check after starting the service | Default: 2 seconds |
MO_DEBUG_PORT | Debug port for MatrixOne, usually used by developers | Default: 9876 |
MO_CONF_FILE | Launch configuration file for MatrixOne | Default: ${MO_PATH}/matrixone/etc/launch/launch.toml |
RESTART_INTERVAL | Interval to wait for service status check after restarting the service | Default: 2 seconds |
PPROF_OUT_PATH | Output path for collecting golang performance data | Default: /tmp/pprof-test/ |
PPROF_PROFILE_DURATION | Duration for collecting golang performance data | Default: 30 seconds |
ddl_convert - DDL format conversion
Use mo_ctl ddl_convert [options] [src_file] [tgt_file]
to convert a DDL file from other database syntax formats to MatrixOne's DDL format, currently only supported by mysql_to_mo
mo_ctl ddl_convert help
Usage : mo_ctl ddl_convert [options] [src_file] [tgt_file] # convert a ddl file to mo format from other types of database
[options] : available: mysql_to_mo
[src_file] : source file to be converted, will use env DDL_SRC_FILE from conf file by default
[tgt_file] : target file of converted output, will use env DDL_TGT_FILE from conf file by default
e.g. : mo_ctl ddl_convert mysql_to_mo /tmp/mysql.sql /tmp/mo.sql
sql - Execute SQL
Use mo_ctl sql [sql]
to execute SQL text or SQL files.
mo_ctl sql help
Usage : mo_ctl sql [sql] # execute sql from string, or a file or a path containg multiple files
[sql] : a string quote by "", or a file, or a path
e.g. : mo_ctl sql "use test;select 1;" # execute sql "use test;select 1"
: mo_ctl sql /data/q1.sql # execute sql in file /data/q1.sql
: mo_ctl sql /data/ # execute all sql files with .sql postfix in /data/
uninstall - Uninstall MatrixOne
Use mo_ctl uninstall
to uninstall MatrixOne from MO_PATH.
mo_ctl uninstall help
Usage : mo_ctl uninstall # uninstall mo from path MO_PATH=/data/mo//matrixone
# note: you will need to input 'Yes/No' to confirm before uninstalling
upgrade - upgrade/downgrade MatrixOne version
Use mo_ctl upgrade version
or mo_ctl upgrade commitid
to upgrade or downgrade MatrixOne from the current version to a stable version or a commit id version.
mo_ctl upgrade help
Usage : mo_ctl upgrade [version_commitid] # upgrade or downgrade mo from current version to a target commit id or stable version
[commitid] : a commit id such as '38888f7', or a stable version such as 'v1.1.0'
: use 'latest' to upgrade to latest commit on main branch if you don't know the id
e.g. : mo_ctl upgrade 38888f7 # upgrade/downgrade to commit id 38888f7 on main branch
: mo_ctl upgrade latest # upgrade/downgrade to latest commit on main branch
: mo_ctl upgrade v1.1.0 # upgrade/downgrade to stable version v1.1.0
watchdog - Keep Alive MatrixOne
Use mo_ctl watchdog [options]
to set a scheduled task to ensure the availability of MatrixOne service, check the status of MatrixOne every minute, and automatically pull up the service if it finds that the service is suspended.
mo_ctl watchdog help
Usage : mo_ctl watchdog [options] # setup a watchdog crontab task for mo-service to keep it alive
[options] : available: enable | disable | status
e.g. : mo_ctl watchdog enable # enable watchdog service for mo, by default it will check if mo-servie is alive and pull it up if it's dead every one minute
: mo_ctl watchdog disable # disable watchdog
: mo_ctl watchdog status # check if watchdog is enabled or disabled
: mo_ctl watchdog # same as mo_ctl watchdog status