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Error Code

In MatrixOne, the error information is classified according to the error code. A specific type of error code will be unified into a specific error code for troubleshooting. All messages sent by the MatrixOne database service are assigned a five-character error code, which contains both the type of error code and the specific category of error code.

During actual use, you can first check the error code and use the text error message attached to the error code to determine what kind of error occurred. Error encodings do not change across versions and do not change due to the localization of error messages.


The SQL standard defines some of the error codes generated by MatrixOne; some additional error codes for conditions not defined by the standard were invented or borrowed from other databases.

Error encoding head Type
201 Internal Error
202 Number and function error
203 Invalid Operation
204 Unknown Error or IO Error
205 RPC Timeout
206 Transaction Error or Storage Engine Error

For more information on the details of these errors, please refer to the following table:

Error code Error number Description Error type
20100 ErrStart internal error code start Internal error
20101 ErrInternal Internal error Internal error
20103 ErrNYI not yet implemented Internal error
20104 ErrOOM out of memory Internal error
20105 ErrQueryInterrupted query interrupted Internal error
20106 ErrNotSupported not supported Internal error
20200 ErrDivByZero division by zero Numbers and functions
20201 ErrOutOfRange data out of range Numbers and functions
20202 ErrDataTruncated data truncated Numbers and functions
20203 ErrInvalidArg invalid argument Numbers and functions
20204 ErrTruncatedWrongValueForField truncated wrong value for column Numbers and functions
20300 ErrBadConfig invalid configuration Invalid operation
20301 ErrInvalidInput invalid input Invalid operation
20302 ErrSyntaxError SQL syntax error Invalid operation
20303 ErrParseError SQL parser error Invalid operation
20304 ErrConstraintViolation constraint violation Invalid operation
20305 ErrDuplicate tae data duplicated Invalid operation
20306 ErrRoleGrantedToSelf cannot grant role Invalid operation
20307 ErrDuplicateEntry duplicate entry for key Invalid operation
20400 ErrInvalidState invalid state Unknown status or I/O error
20401 ErrLogServiceNotReady log service not ready Unknown status or I/O error
20402 ErrBadDB invalid database Unknown status or I/O error
20403 ErrNoSuchTable no such table Unknown status or I/O error
20404 ErrEmptyVector empty vector Unknown status or I/O error
20405 ErrFileNotFound file is not found Unknown status or I/O error
20406 ErrFileAlreadyExists file alread exists Unknown status or I/O error
20407 ErrUnexpectedEOF unexpteded end of file Unknown status or I/O error
20408 ErrEmptyRange empty range of file Unknown status or I/O error
20409 ErrSizeNotMatch file size does not match Unknown status or I/O error
20410 ErrNoProgress file has no io progress Unknown status or I/O error
20411 ErrInvalidPath invalid file path Unknown status or I/O error
20412 ErrShortWrite file io short write Unknown status or I/O error
20413 ErrInvalidWrite file io invalid write Unknown status or I/O error
20414 ErrShortBuffer file io short buffer Unknown status or I/O error
20415 ErrNoDB not connect to a database Unknown status or I/O error
20416 ErrNoWorkingStore no working store Unknown status or I/O error
20417 ErrNoHAKeeper cannot locate ha keeper Unknown status or I/O error
20418 ErrInvalidTruncateLsn invalid truncate lsn, shard already truncated Unknown status or I/O error
20419 ErrNotLeaseHolder not lease holder, current lease holder ID xxx Unknown status or I/O error
20420 ErrDBAlreadyExists database already exists Unknown status or I/O error
20421 ErrTableAlreadyExists table already exists Unknown status or I/O error
20422 ErrNoService service not found Unknown status or I/O error
20423 ErrDupServiceName duplicate service name Unknown status or I/O error
20424 ErrWrongService wrong service, expecting A, got B Unknown status or I/O error
20425 ErrBadS3Config bad s3 config Unknown status or I/O error
20426 ErrBadView invalid view Unknown status or I/O error
20427 ErrInvalidTask invalid task Unknown status or I/O error
20428 ErrInvalidServiceIndex invalid service idx Unknown status or I/O error
20429 ErrDragonboatTimeout Dragonboat timeout Unknown status or I/O error
20430 ErrDragonboatTimeoutTooSmall Dragonboat timeout too small Unknown status or I/O error
20431 ErrDragonboatInvalidDeadline Dragonboat invalid deadline Unknown status or I/O error
20432 ErrDragonboatRejected Dragonboat rejected Unknown status or I/O error
20433 ErrDragonboatInvalidPayloadSize invalid payload size Unknown status or I/O error
20434 ErrDragonboatShardNotReady shard not ready Unknown status or I/O error
20435 ErrDragonboatSystemClosed Dragonboat system closed Unknown status or I/O error
20436 ErrDragonboatInvalidRange Dragonboat invalid range Unknown status or I/O error
20437 ErrDragonboatShardNotFound shard not found Unknown status or I/O error
20438 ErrDragonboatOtherSystemError other system error Unknown status or I/O error
20439 ErrDropNonExistsDB Can't drop database ; database doesn't exist Unknown status or I/O error
20500 ErrRPCTimeout rpc timeout RPC Timeout
20501 ErrClientClosed client closed RPC Timeout
20502 ErrBackendClosed backend closed RPC Timeout
20503 ErrStreamClosed stream closed RPC Timeout
20504 ErrNoAvailableBackend no available backend RPC Timeout
20600 ErrTxnClosed the transaction has been committed or aborted Transaction
20601 ErrTxnWriteConflict transaction write conflict Transaction
20602 ErrMissingTxn missing transaction Transaction
20603 ErrUnresolvedConflict unresolved conflict Transaction
20604 ErrTxnError transaction error Transaction
20605 ErrDNShardNotFound TN shard not found Transaction
20606 ErrShardNotReported TN shard not reported Transaction
20607 ErrTAEError tae error TAE Error
20608 ErrTAERead tae read error TAE Error
20609 ErrRpcError rpc error TAE Error
20610 ErrWaitTxn transaction wait error TAE Error
20611 ErrTxnNotFound transaction not found TAE Error
20612 ErrTxnNotActive transaction not active TAE Error
20613 ErrTAEWrite tae write error TAE Error
20614 ErrTAECommit tae commit error TAE Error
20615 ErrTAERollback tae rollback error TAE Error
20616 ErrTAEPrepare tae prepare error TAE Error
20617 ErrTAEPossibleDuplicate tae possible duplicate TAE Error
20618 ErrTxnRWConflict r-w conflict TAE Error
20619 ErrTxnWWConflict w-w conflict TAE Error
20620 ErrNotFound transaction not found TAE Error
20621 ErrTxnInternal transaction internal error TAE Error
20622 ErrTxnReadConflict transaction read conflict TAE Error
20623 ErrPrimaryKeyDuplicated duplicated primary key TAE Error
20624 ErrAppendableSegmentNotFound appendable segment not found TAE Error
20625 ErrAppendableBlockNotFound appendable block not found TAE Error
20626 ErrTAEDebug TAE debug TAE Error