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Server System Variables

MatrixOne server system variables are variables used to control or configure the behavior of the database engine or other components in the MatrixOne server. The values of these variables can be set and changed using the SET statement.

System variables can be divided into two categories: Global variables and Session variables.

  • Global variables: Global variables apply to all connected sessions of the MatrixOne server. Their values are set when the MatrixOne server starts and remain unchanged until the server is shut down. Global variables are typically used to control the behavior of the MatrixOne server, such as specifying default backup and restore locations, the default language environment, and so on.

  • Session variables: Session variables apply only to the currently connected user's session of the MatrixOne server. Their values can be changed anytime during the user's connection and are automatically cleared when the user disconnects. Session variables are typically used to control session behavior, such as how to print the information displayed and specify transaction isolation levels.

How to query system variables?

You can use the following SQL to query:


This will list all system variables and their current values. If you only want to see system variables related to a specific topic, you can use the following syntax:


This will list all system variables with names containing the word theme and their current values.

Note: The LIKE operator is used for fuzzy matching query strings, with % representing zero or more arbitrary characters. Therefore, the above command will match any system variables with names containing the word theme.

How to query global variables?

You can use the following SQL to query:


This will list all global variables and their current values. If you only want to see global variables related to a specific topic, you can use the following syntax:


This will list all global variables with names containing the word theme and their current values.

Note: The LIKE operator is used for fuzzy matching query strings, with % representing zero or more arbitrary characters. Therefore, the above command will match any global variables with names containing the word theme.

How to query session variables?

You can use the following SQL to query:


This will list all session variables and their current values. If you only want to see session variables related to a specific topic, you can use the following syntax:


This will list all session variables with names containing the word theme and their current values.

Note: The LIKE operator is used for fuzzy matching query strings, with % representing zero or more arbitrary characters. Therefore, the above command will match any session variables with names containing the word theme.

System Veariable Reference

Variable_name Cmd-Line(Y/N) Option File(Y/N) Variable Type System Var(Y/N) Var Scope(Global/Both/Session) Dynamic(Y/N) Default Value Optional value
auto_increment_increment Y N int Y Both Y 1 1-65535
auto_increment_offset Y N int Y Both Y 1 1-65535
autocommit Y N bool Y Both Y TRUE FALSE
character_set_client Y N string Y Both Y "utf8mb4"
character_set_connection Y N string Y Both Y "utf8mb4"
character_set_database Y N string Y Both Y "utf8mb4"
character_set_results Y N string Y Both Y "utf8mb4"
character_set_server Y N string Y Both Y "utf8mb4"
collation_connection Y N string Y Both Y "default"
collation_server Y N string Y Both Y "utf8mb4_bin"
completion_type Y N enum Y Both Y "NO_CHAIN" "NO_CHAIN","CHAIN", "RELEASE"
host Y N string Y Both N ""
init_connect Y N string Y Both Y ""
interactive_timeout Y N int Y Both Y 28800 1-31536000
license Y N string Y Both N "APACHE"
lower_case_table_names Y N int Y Both N 1 0-2
max_allowed_packet Y N int Y Both Y 16777216 1024-1073741824
net_write_timeout Y N int Y Both Y 60 1-31536000
performance_schema Y N int Y Both Y 0 0-1
port Y N int Y Both N 6001 0-65535
profiling Y N int Y Both Y 0 0-1
query_result_maxsize Y N uint Y Both Y 100 0-18446744073709551615
query_result_timeout Y N uint Y Both Y 24 0-18446744073709551615
save_query_result Y N bool Y Both Y FALSE TRUE
sql_mode Y N set Y Both Y "ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,
sql_safe_updates Y N int Y Both Y 0 0-1
sql_select_limit Y N uint Y Both Y 18446744073709551615 0-18446744073709551615
system_time_zone Y N string Y Both N ""
time_zone Y N string Y Both N "SYSTEM"
transaction_read_only Y N int Y Both Y 0 0-1
version_comment Y N string Y Both N "MatrixOne"
wait_timeout Y N int Y Both Y 28800 1-2147483


MatrixOne is compatible with MySQL, and the SQL mode only supports the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY mode; other SQL modes are only supported by syntax and have no actual effect.